Friday, December 11, 2009

Open 開啟

By Kiera Lhys | 中譯:小米

An open window invites a refreshing breeze
Into a hot, stuffy room with ease.
An open door provides a warm welcome
To a weary traveller at last approaching home.
An open book fires the imagination,
Taking it to faraway places just for fun.
An open heart…what does it do?
Allows Christ to enter, and fill it up with love for you!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Extremity of God

By Brad Snider

A few years ago I visited San Francisco for the first time. Besides being a fascinating city, there was something else that struck me. It was something that I read one afternoon in Starbucks as I was waiting for my coffee. I was looking at a specialty mug that they were selling, featuring some general information about the city. On the mug was listed the average temperatures of San Francisco in both January and July, and it read something like this, “Average temperature in January: 14 degrees Celsius. Average temperature in July: 16 degrees Celsius.” “What?” I thought to myself. “Two degrees – that’s it?” Apparently it is never hot, it is never cold, it is always just somewhere in between.

In a strange way, on a spiritual level, God hates San Francisco. Not the city, not the people, but the temperature.


原文:Brad Snider|中譯:蔡穎

我幾年前第一次去舊金山,那是個很有意思的城市,不過有一點令我很震驚。某天下午,我正在Starbucks買咖啡,看到賣架上有一個特別的咖啡杯,杯上列出了舊金山一月及七月的平均氣溫:「一月平均氣溫,攝氏14 度;七月平均溫度,攝氏16度」。我心想:「什麼?只相差兩度而已嗎?」看來這裡從不炎熱也從不寒冷,總是在酷熱和寒冷之間。


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


By Naomi
God's light on dark clouds.
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