Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pride and Subtlety

Vickie Chow

It is widely known that pride is a dangerous trap to fall in, even more so when it comes to our faith. I don’t know about you, but I hereby confess that I’ve had my leg caught in that trap a couple of times. Now, I haven’t waved a banner proclaiming the things I do to serve God or commented to my friends how hard I worked on last week’s BSF homework. Lately, I’ve been more conscious of certain subtle actions that essentially spring from the same attitude. Here’s a list of things that I’ve caught myself doing:

1. I’m too good for the Table of Contents

I don’t know about you, but other than Genesis, Revelation, and Psalms, I often cannot get to the passage I want without having to undergo a little trial and error with my page flipping. Normally, in the privacy of my own home, I am indifferent to how long it takes for me to find a passage in the Bible, but during Sunday service, when it comes time to open our Bibles to the scripture reading, I’m under a little bit more of a time constraint. I would imagine that the Table of Contents page is included in every Bible for just such a purpose—to facilitate easy page finding—but I cannot bring myself to using this page for fear of others who may notice and think “She doesn’t know where the book of 1 John is? Wow. Just wow.” I realize that the reality of it is more like no one is paying attention to my Bible perusing habits, but it ultimately comes down to my pride. Yes, I think I am too good for an innocent page outlining a list of books in the Bible.


Vickie Chow | 中譯:楊光



不瞞你說,除了創世記、啓示錄和詩篇,我翻頁找其他經文時經常需要一番嘗試與錯誤才可以做到 。通常隱蔽在自己家中,我不在乎是否費長時間查找聖經中的一段話,但在主日崇拜時,當需要打開聖經找經文時,時間可就有點緊迫了。我想每一本聖經都包含目錄頁就是為了在這種時刻能方便尋找經文,但我卻怎麼也不能逼自己去查看目錄,生怕別人會注意到,並想,「她連約翰一書在哪兒都不知道?真是不可思議!」實際上,我知道注意我的聖經閱讀習慣的人一個都沒有,但最終這是出於我的驕傲心態。是的,我覺得我並不需要一張無辜的、列出聖經書卷的目錄。

An Ode of Thanksgiving

Francis Loo | English translation by Iris Lo

God’s Creation 
Lord, thank you for creating the heavens and the earth,
Lord, thank you for creating man and woman,
Lord, thank you for assigning seasons,
Lord, thank you for winter’s chill,
Lord, thank you for the freshness of spring,
Lord, thank you for summer’s green,
Lord, thank you for the leaves of autumn,
Lord, thank you for the birds of the air,
Lord, thank you for the fish in the sea.



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