Wednesday, May 30, 2012



作者:李晉徽 | 翻譯:蕭凌







於是我想,在神的完美與祂的永恆當中,神的愛又該有多大的能力呢? !直到今天,即使我已經成為一名基督徒,我依然無法測透神的愛。父母對兒女的愛已是如此讓人驚嘆,神對祂的兒女的愛就更長闊高深!儘管人類的歷史充滿了對神的悖逆與罪惡,但神卻還是不斷地通過祂的先知和君王來拯救祂的子民,指引他們的道路。最終,神賜下祂的獨生愛子耶穌基督,使他的犧牲讓我們在祂的國度裡得蒙救贖與盼望。無論富足與貧窮、健康或疾病,神的愛永不動搖。自從去到檀香山教會的那一天起,我就被神無瑕疵的愛所感動,進而尋求認識神。直到今日,那位牧師的教導依舊引起我的共鳴。












Walking with God—a testimony from Monica Li

A family photo from Monica who is the youngest among all.

Written by: Monica Li
His Love

I was 2700 miles away from home lying in bed in the darkness of night pondering about love and God. Earlier that morning, I attended Sunday service at a church in Honolulu. They were celebrating Mother's Day and the pastor's sermon was appropriately themed on parental love. The service was held in a school gymnasium the size of a small stadium. I sat wedged between my sister and friend in a hard plastic blue chair. It was comfortable being anonymous among the sea of people in the room. Mothers with their children in matching pink t-shirts started the service with the singing of gospel songs, while ballerinas jumped and twirled on stage. Finally the pastor walked to the pulpit and shared his sermon from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.“

The pastor explained how love is not composed only of happiness and joy, but also requires temperance and self-sacrifice. He distanced the idea of love from its usual portrayal in Hollywood romances, explaining that love is found not only among people who are happy and fulfilled in each other’s presence. The pastor was describing what on the surface, seemed like a much simpler sort of love. Like how a parent takes care of a child: clothing him, feeding him, disciplining him, driving him to after-school practices and letting him pursue his aspirations, even though it may hurt to let him go. It was a simple concept but it made an impact on me. I lay there in bed staring at the wooden panels in the room. I wondered, how often do gestures of love go unnoticed, or even worse, misinterpreted? I reflected on my personal relationships. It was the first time I felt God speaking into my life.

At that time I was not yet a Christian and understood little about the religion. I had never participated in any faith-oriented community, and thus, I had never seriously pondered about God. The topic never surfaced until a few weeks prior, a friend invited me to the inaugural celebration of a new Christian club she formed. I attended the event to show my support for her endeavor. It was a night of worship and chitchat among young, educated students. Although it was a casual event, the unfamiliarity of the songs they sang and the faith-peppered conversations made me feel uncomfortable. I could not understand why people chose to be Christians. It seemed strange and illogical to me. The event fed my determination to learn more about religion. I brought the topic up with friends, both Christian and non-Christian, in hopes to gain a deeper understanding. One of those people was a friend from Hawaii who I later visited on a short vacation with my sister. It was he who brought me to the Mother's Day Sunday service. He is not a Christian himself, but he had sought out the church to indulge my curiosity.

That same night I lay in bed reflecting on my relationship with my parents who had sacrificed so much for my sisters and I. They left behind friends, family, and a stable career all for our future well-being. They were stern in their discipline and sometimes rough with their words but I know that their actions were out of love. I can recount as a young child how frustrated and unjustified I felt towards some of the things my parents did. But as the pastor said, love is not always about producing and maintaining good feelings. As I grow older, I continue to develop a greater understanding and a deeper appreciation of my parent’s love, right down to the little things they did. How much more powerful then is God's love, which is perfect in its entirety? This is something I cannot fathom even to this day as a Christian. If the love of a parent to his child is already amazing, how much more so is God's love for his own children? Man's history is filled with stories of disobedience and sin, yet time and time again God sends deliverance through prophets and kings to give men guidance. Ultimately, He sends His own son, Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice allows us to have hope and salvation in His Kingdom. Rich or poor, healthy or ill, God's love perseveres. That day in the Honolulu church, I was moved by the thought of His perfect love and began my search to find out who this God is. To this day, the pastor's teaching still resonates with me.

Monica, her mum and her sisters.

His Providence

It was in mid-December of 2009, when my mother fell ill with a
stubborn cold that would not go away. My mother had a round, petite frame. For as long as I remembered, she was always the first to catch an illness in our family. She visited the doctor after the Christmas holidays and was promptly sent to the hospital because of an unusually fast heart rate. The doctors were able to slow it down with medication. However. a few days later my mother experienced a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Once again, she was rushed to the hospital. This time, the doctors took some scans and samples. When the test results came back it was conclusive that my mother had kidney cancer, stage III.

It was a scary moment for my entire family. What we thought was a simple cold had snowballed into something bigger. It was difficult to be hit with such bad news successively. I cannot imagine how much harder it must have been for my mother.

For the next few weeks our family priorities changed. My father prepared bountiful meals for my mother before he left for work and after he came home every night. My sister ceased her career search, and I quit one of my two jobs. My mother slipped in and out of sleep every few hours. She grew more tired as the days passed and her appetite decreased significantly. While cleaning the dishes one morning I noticed she left the contents of her breakfast—an egg, hash brown, kiwi, and yogurt—untouched on her plate. It was difficult to see her this way as she always had a healthy appetite. In place of food, she would repeatedly ask for her thermos to be filled with steaming hot water. God's presence held strong during these times. Some of my church friends sent emails enquiring about the well-being of my family and updated me on things happening at church. Flowers were sent to my mother for encouragement and family friends stopped by to visit. Each small action helped lift my mom's spirit. It was a blessing to see people's support and care.

It was also during this time when my mother came to Christ. My senior pastor came for a visit one Saturday afternoon and prayed with her regarding her faith. In the days afterwards, my mother held onto a small book of devotions and announced to my sister living abroad that she was now a member of the church.

On one Friday afternoon, my mother was sent into surgery at the Royal Columbian hospital. The doctors needed to remove one of her kidneys to get rid of the cancer. It was a dangerous operation and my family waited in nervous anticipation. A few hours later, the doctors emerged from the operating room. They broke the news—my mother would not make it through the night. My family was overcome with shock and grief. We stayed with my mother until her last moments. It was exactly one month since she had gone to see the family doctor in hopes to get rid of her stubborn cold.

The weeks afterwards were a blur. My family was lost in deep mourning. God provided to be my only source of comfort. I held onto a Bible verse, “Never again will they hunger, never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center before the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:16-17) I have assurance knowing that my mother is resting at peace in the kingdom of God.

Somehow, with the help of friends and the church, we organized my mother's funeral service and completed endless paperwork required after a person's death. We went through the painful task of going through my mother's belongings. On occasion my father would cry suddenly, which I had never seen him do before. The days went by at a slow and steady pace as we struggled adjusting to a life without my mother.

Looking back, I know that God never ceased watching over my family during this time. Although my family was utterly broken in grief, He gave us comfort through the care we received from friends and relatives. It is only with God's strength that we were able to pick up our lives and move forward day by day. Since the passing of my mother, God has continued to bless my family in many ways. We have grown stronger as a family unit and we can seize the opportunities for joy and celebration in our lives. Moreover, my sister has come to Christ and my father is rekindling his faith. We are living proof that God provides in amazing ways.

Cry Out

不配的人——劉崇右弟兄的見證 (二)


我十五六歲讀《聖經》,還有去教會,我覺得是一件很快樂的事情。當那個青年團契跟我講,他們在練習如何使用屬靈的四個定律來給我傳福音。因為我那時候還不知 道什麼是基督徒,什麼不是基督徒,我不知道。結果他們一跟我傳,我信了。那個跟我傳的人也嚇一跳。但那個時候我就這麼信。我就認定我自己是基督徒了。後來,我跑去找我們教會的牧師,問他說,我們的上帝對我們那麼的好,我應該拿什麽去報答祂?那位牧師說,所有的一切都是上帝。後來我還是不知道要做什麽。到 此,一切都看起來很好。一個新的基督徒誕生了。

其實,從我開始信耶穌就存在著一個問題。我愛看《聖經》,愛探討《聖經》上的經節,其實是希望像詩篇第一篇的那棵樹一樣,栽在溪水旁,按時候結果子,葉子也不枯乾。凡他所作的,盡都順利(詩篇13)。我是爲了愛主所能賜給我的東西,而不是真的愛祂。我那時候信耶穌的好處是爲了我可以不用下地獄,這叫我愛耶穌嗎?我那時候去問我的輔導老師,我是愛耶穌所可以給我的一切好處,還是我懼怕所要給我的一切刑罰呢? 17歲的那時候,我的這個問題在困惱著我。我成了一個怪怪的人。之後,有人給一盤唐崇榮牧師的磁帶,《讓我們吃喝快樂吧》.我聽了之後很多的問題都解決了。之後,我就想開始去傳福音。但說實話,我的動機還是不對。我19歲時開始去傳福音、發單張。但我只是想成為跟唐崇榮牧師一樣。

到最後,我開始自以為義。我覺得自己比同齡人厲害,聖經比他們熟。還敢去發單張。以聖經上的律法去論斷他人。覺得憑什麼那些人沒有按照神你的方法來做,卻可以得救? 1921 歲, 我有去教會,去參加團契,去禱告會,邀請別人來教會,但我沒有用上帝的愛來愛他人。每個人看我都覺得我很虔誠,但我自己獨處的時候,我在想我真的是基督徒 嗎?心裡有很多的苦。我知道好的、善的我不去行。我知道不好的,我反倒去行了。像保羅那時候那樣。當耶穌基督做你生命的王的時候,你的人生會有順序。如沒 有,你的人生將是一片混亂。我當時活著的是沒有方向的人生。即便我是基督徒,我信了耶穌,我的生命沒有意義。

21-23歲的時候,我每次進教會,我都會很鬱悶. 但我不進教會我會覺得心裡好過點。當我跟朋友去追逐世界上的東西的時候,我覺得我的人生不錯。但當我禮拜天去教會的時候,我的人生是灰暗的。到23歲的時候,有一禮拜天,我決定不去教會。我既然覺得全身輕鬆了很多。就好像聖經上說的,外邦為甚麼爭鬧?萬民為甚麼謀算虛妄的事?世上的君王一齊起來,臣宰一同商議,要敵擋耶和華並他的受膏者,說:我們要掙開他們的捆綁,脫去他們的繩索(詩篇21-3)。我解開了耶和華的捆綁,我發現人生鬆了一口氣。我好像很久很久沒有鬆一口氣的感覺。之後連續一段時候都沒有去教會,喜歡鬆口氣的感覺。教會的James牧師打電話給我問我爲什麽沒有去教會。 (他一直很看好我的。他待我像自己的孩子一樣)。我 說,“James 牧師,我需要離開教會一段時間,休息一下,到必要的時候,我會回來的。但是我一定會回來的,我保證但我一走就是幾年。我明明知道祂是上帝,但我卻離開了祂。也不敢見祂。我放縱自己在罪惡中。

直到有一年,媽媽過來美國跟我呆了一年。我那時候經常晚上很晚出去一直到凌晨才回到家。一身的煙味、酒味。感受到了媽媽無微不至的愛,也因為覺得我是個不孝子而很痛苦。我回想起上次,我最開心最快樂的是什麽時候呢?我想起來,是在教會的禱告會。我於是決定我要回教會當James牧師看到我回去的時候,他特別開心。他說他已經為我禱告了好幾年了。之後,我參加了禱告會(我們在禱告之前要讀詩篇),那天讀的經文是詩篇32篇。詩篇3210 惡人必多受苦楚;我體會到了那種苦。什麽叫惡人?我根據當時我已經有了知識,我知道忘記上帝的外邦人叫做惡人。我以為我是基督徒,但我所做的與所讀的並不符合。我說,主啊,我願意回到教會,願意讀聖經,學習你的話語。

有一天,媽媽不在家,我跪在主的面前說,我要悔改。天上的父,求你不要看我的罪孽,求你原諒我,因為你看我,我什麽都沒有,我只能夠接受你的憤怒,從你而來的這些懲罰。我應得只有這些,但求你可以 不可以紀念天上耶穌的功勞,你的信實,你的慈愛,可以嗎?求你饒恕我,回到你的面前。我不只求你是我的救主,你要我做什麽。我這一切都不要了。這一切本來 都要過去。我不要這些東西。天地都要廢去。唯有遵守你旨意的要永遠長存。我是誰?我是敗壞的人,我不配,但我相信你~~因為你已經做了,我只好相信你了。我相信主耶穌基督~~!!我回到你的面前我曾經還在尋找我要做什麽?提摩太後書,保羅吩咐提摩太。保羅用我們上帝的名,還有主耶穌基督的名,吩咐他說,無論得時不得時你務要傳道(提摩太後書4:2




以基督徒,今天我們來這裡,這是很享受的一件事情。而許多許多在我們旁邊的,他們需要這個,而他們怎麼知道他們需要呢?因為你已經從原被跟他們一樣的地 方,你已經被救出來了。你在更好的地方。他們需要。我被救出來了,你被救出來了。你去傳福音,高舉主耶穌的聖名,你明白這件事,你可以明白,主救我們,就 是要他榮耀的恩典得著稱讚。他榮耀的恩典得著稱讚。

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