Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Christ-centred Compassion

By H. Lo

I went to East Africa this past summer for several weeks doing community development work in two villages, one in Kenya and one in Ethiopia. I had just joined staff with a humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) and so I went on this trip to get an idea of the kind of project I would be taking Canadians on in the near future.

In Kenya, we built a dormitory for teachers who walked 4 hours a week to work and worked on implementing a new sprinkler system for the farm in the village. In Ethiopia, we built a school in a Somali village.

It was a life-impacting trip, but I didn’t get any explosive, life-altering moments.


原文:H. Lo | 中譯:趙泰和

去年夏天我到非洲東部的兩個村莊裡做了幾個星期的社區發展工作,一個村莊在肯尼亞,另一個在埃塞俄比亞。我當時剛加入一個非政府的人道主義組織(non-governmental organization 或 NGO),這次出行正好讓我瞭解以後帶其它加拿大人去應該開展甚麼樣項目。



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chinese Olympic Diver’s Baptism Testimony

Source: www.gospeltimes.cn | English translation: Linda Yang

Chinese Olympic diver, Fu Mingxia and her husband, Antony Leung, former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong shared their testimony on Yuan Zhiming’s blog. Known as China’s diving queen, Fu is a former member of the Chinese Olympic diving team and winner of three Olympic gold medals. Leung, a successful Hong Kong businessman, had previously left the business world for a tenure as Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary. They married in 2002 and were baptized in November 2009.


來源:福音時報 | 報道:卓越
(福音時報) 據遠方的心月博客分享,中國跳水運動員伏明霞及丈夫梁錦松前任香港財政司長信仰見證。伏明霞是中國前著名跳水運動員,被稱為跳水女皇,曾是三屆奧運金牌得主。梁錦松是成功的香港商界大腕,後曾棄商從政出任財政司司長。他們於2002年結婚,2009年11月受洗。
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