Monday, February 9, 2009

Dating vs. Courtship

By Iris Lo

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s a good time to take a look at what dating is. People seem to have different purposes when entering into a relationship – some may be dating because they’re exploring “the field”, while others are seriously looking for a life-long partner. In his book, Boy Meets Girl, Joshua Harris argues that the notion of dating has become too ambiguous, which raises the potential of relationships ending in broken hearts. Instead, the American author and pastor makes a case for courtship in his book.


原文:盧詠莛 | 中譯:趙泰和


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

God Breaks Through

By Michael Yeo, guest contributor

I was addicted to morphine at the age of twelve, during the early 70s when hippie culture and underground R&B music had tremendous influence on drug addicts. Dad passed away when I was fourteen, so my mum had to work really hard because my family was poor. Growing up, I developed a rebellious never-say-die attitude.

Later in the 80s and 90s, my involvement with gangs made me more violent. I often got into gang-fights and pushed drugs in the nightclubs. I was deeply engaged in black magic and was tormented by the spirits to the point of almost committing suicide. I was also using many different drugs. When I exhausted all my resources for money, Mum was the only avenue that I could rely on to sustain my addictions. Out of love she supported me, but I could see the hurt and grief I have caused deep down in her heart, as she often cried and begged me to change. In fact, I was more than willing, but it was beyond my own strength. And being so tormented by such a life, there was constant strife in the family.


原文:楊明弟 | 中譯:蔡穎

在70年代早期, 當嬉皮文化和地下藍調音樂對毒癮者有著極大的影響力時, 十二歲的我染上了嗎啡的毒癮。父親在我十四歲時過世後, 我的母親必須要辛勤工作才能撐起我們貧窮的家庭。也因此, 我從小就養成了一個叛逆甚至死不罷休的人生態度

在80-90年間, 我加入了一個幫派組織,使我變得更加暴力,很多時候我會參加幫派鬥毆,也會在夜總會裡販賣毒品。我對邪術深深著迷,因此被靈界的力量折磨,使我瀕臨自殺的邊緣。我也使用許多不同的毒品。每當我耗盡金錢時,就向母親要,她是唯一的金錢來源。她因為愛我,所以才繼續給我錢,但她經常哭著求我改變。而我也知道自己傷透了母親的心,雖然我也很想改變,但我那已遠遠超過我自己的能力所及。而我扭曲的生命帶給我的家庭不斷的衝突。
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